
Pierre Toutain-Dorbec, an artist working primarily with photographic material, author and publisher of French-American descent, was born on April 16, 1951 in Orbec, Normandy, France. Throughout his life, he has dedicated himself to capturing the essence of humanity through his artistic endeavors.

Beginning his artistic journey within his family, Pierre was introduced to traditional drawing, painting and sculpting techniques by his parents, who served as his instructors. The influence of his grandfather and uncle, who were also photographers and artists, played a significant role in shaping his own artistic expression.

Pierre's educational path led him from the charming streets of Orbec to the bustling city of Paris, where at the age of 16 he enrolled in the prestigious Atelier de la Grande-Chaumière. There he received a classical education in fine arts and gained practical experience by assisting the highly acclaimed German photographer Wilhem Maywald.

Encouraged by his family, Pierre left home to pursue his passion for photography. He began his career as a war correspondent in Vietnam, Cambodia and Lebanon, focusing primarily on Southeast Asia and North Africa. His coverage included events such as the Khmer Rouge, the Karen in Burma, and issues related to child abuse and child prostitution.

Pierre continues to be a globetrotter, exploring different continents to reveal the wonders of our planet and delve into the intricacies of the human experience through the lens of his art.


"Pierre Toutain-Dorbec works with photographic-based material, which he sometimes paints, cuts, assembles, or destroys. Spanning the genres of photography from portraiture to reportage, conceptual to documentary, fashion to war reporting, Pierre's work provides a framework for exploring the relationship between history, memory, and identity. His work demonstrates that memory is not only an individual experience, but a collective one, shaped by cultural, political, and social factors."

Carlos Semprun

“In a photographic odyssey that has lasted over fifty years, Pierre-Toutain Dorbec has traveled the globe, camera in tow, capturing the ephemera and fragility of the passing world: from wars and tragedies, to chance encounters and the customs and rituals of regional culture, to a pictorial honoring of the human saga. Guided by his own inner compass, Toutain-Dorbec has traveled freely, without any preconceived notions—an unflagging sense of curiosity and adventure, wedded to his artistic vision, which has resulted in a rich and comprehensive aesthetic legacy. He has published nearly sixty books, and his photographs have appeared in many prominent international magazines.” 

John Biscello